Saturday 21 December 2013

" SHINE ON HARVEY MOON " 1994 - minor role - Pawnbroker

On 21st December 1994, I arrived at the Fountain Studios in Wembley, North London to play a minor role as a Pawnbroker in a scene in one of the 12 episodes of Series 5 of " Shine on Harvey Moon ".
My call time was 7 am. and  I was taken immediately into wardrobe for my costume followed by being hastily ushered into the make -up department where Pauline Quirke and Linda Robson were also being attended to. They asked me if I was the Pawnbroker and then told me that it was the first scene to be shot that morning, the reason for the urgency to get me ready for the shot.
The scene was inside the Pawnbroker's shop and one of the characters came into the shop to redeem his trombone, I only had to delivery 4 words, and my line was " There you are, sir ", which was a category E role, one below that of a main credited role. The scene was shot a few times and I was back on the road home by 10 am, only 3 hours work in the studio for a very nice fee.
" Shine on Harvey Moon " was set in the East End of London shortly after the 2nd World War.
Upon being demobbed, R.A.F. serviceman Harvey Moon, played by Kenneth Cranham, returns home and finds his family involved in various troubles. His wife Rita, played by Maggie Steed, is not interested in resuming their relationship and works in a seedy nightclub frequented by American Servicemen.  He then becomes involved with the Labour Party and the Union movement.
The name of the series is a word play on the popular song " Shine on Harvest Moon " which was made more popular, after it was written in 1908, when Laurel & Hardy sang it in  the 1939 film " The Flying Deuces ".

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