Saturday 10 August 2013

"OUTSIDE EDGE" day 3 1993, "SILENT WITNESS" day 2 1995 & "SMALL WORLD" 1987

August 11th 1993 was my third day on "Outside Edge" which I have mentioned in detail on a previous item.
August 11th 1995 was my second day on "SILENT WITNESS" in filmed in Cambridge and was also mentioned yesterday.
August 11th 1987, although 26 years ago, is still strong in my memory.
I was involved in the filming of an episode where we were in an aeroplane that was supposed to be crashing. The programme was an episode of "Small World", a six hour adaption of David Lean's books being filmed by Granada TV.
The scene was part of a dream sequence and the plane was supposed to be crashing and we were the distraught passengers showing various states of panic, hysteria and general mayhem.
The episode was filmed at the Duxford Air Museum in Cambridgeshire in one of the first Concordes to be built. The windows were blacked out, the air conditioning was switched off, so that there was no noise during the filming of our scene, and the aircraft never left the ground.
It was the first time that I had ever stepped into an aeroplane and it was quite an experience but also rather off-putting to be called upon to act as though I was terrified as the plane plummeted to earth.
In reality my first experience of flying was in a helicopter in 2001.Followed by a second helicopter flight in July 2002 and my first flight abroad in November 2008.
Tomorrow, I will recall "Born to Run" a series filmed in Manchester about a Marathon Runner, then over the next few days I will publish items from " Lovejoy", "Born to Run" and "Heartbeat".

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